Thursday 11 November2021:Virgin Australiahas become the firstAustralianairlinetolaunchan accountonTikTokasit movestofocus on itsheartlandcustomerand reach new audiences.
AlreadyVirginAustraliahas notched upalmosttwo-millionorganicviewssince its firstTikTokpost and promises to deliver videos that make users smile and push boundaries,somethingthe platform is renowned for.
Fromtalking aircraft,tothose famous Virgin Australia red lipsand a 'Couch Guy'parody,the airline has rolled out aline-upoffun andhilarious contentto dateand is on a quest torack up many more millions of views,sharing the brandwithexisting customers as well as a whole new generation of travellers and TikTokkers.
In abehind-the-scenesTikTokvideo releasedon theVirgin Australiaaccounttoday,the airline has exclusively revealed for the first timeitstrialBoeing 737-800interiorprototype,givingusersa taste of the airline's future in-flight experience.
In the video,Virgin Australia engineers can be seen unboxingbrand-newseatsbeforeloading them on board,and buckling them downin preparation for the new-lookcabin to take flight.
Featuring sleeklines, a distinctive new horizontal rib design,up to40per centmore reclinefor Business class seatscomparedwithexistingseats,along with leg and footrests in Business Class, and convenient device holdersaccommodating everything from small smartphones tolarger tabletsthroughout the aircraft.Theprototype design willbetestedon two ofVirgin Australia'snew Boeing737-800,acquired as part of asignificant fleet expansionlast month.
Virgin AustraliaGroupChief Marketing Officer,Libby Minogue saidtheairline'sTikTokvideos willfeatureVirgin Australiateam members andfocus on behind-the-scenes footage, trending contentandof course,planes.
"TikTokreallyisthe perfect platform to showcaseourfamous'Virgin Flair'andour wonderful team members andwe're so excited to bethe firstAustralianairlinetolaunchon the platform,"saidMsMinogue.
"Virgin Australia has always been an innovative and challenger brand andTikTokis the perfect way to showcasethe funwe have on a daily basisat Australia'smost loved airline.
"Our followers will get to see a different side to our business. From the lifestyle of cabin crew and pilots, tobehind-the-scenesglimpses into ouroperation,TikTokhas openeda new wayfor us tocommunicate with existing and new customers,as we fly into a new era of travel.
"We'realsoencouraging ourownVirgin Australia teammemberstojoinTikTokandcreate contentthatwe know will resonate with users,likewhycabin crew mustwear a watch at all times,sneak peeks and secret flight hacks," she said.
Virgin Australia's take-off intoTikTokcomes as the airline is about to celebrate its 12-month anniversaryafterbeing relaunched last year,with the airline focussing on its heartland customerandundertakinga long list of improvements and innovative new customer touchpoints.
TikTokclocked-up nearly2.5 million Australianusers in 2020,making itthe fastest growing social mediaplatformlastyear^.Over 70 per cent of the users were Generation Alpha and Z, cementing the platform asone of the most popularfor younger Australians.
Follow Virgin AustraliaonTikTok@virginaustraliaor search #virginaustralia.
DOWNLOADimages of aircraft interior
- The unveiling of thetrialinterior prototype follows a long list of customer enhancements since Virgin Australia was relaunched in 2020, including, but not limited to:
- A simplified fare structure, providing customers with some of the best value airfares in themarket;
- A long list of new destinations, with Virgin Australia launching 12 new return domestic services since September2021;
- The resumption of international airline partnerships connecting customers and Velocity members to hundreds of destinations around the world, with:
- Virgin Atlantic
- Air Canada
- Delta Air Lines
- Etihad Airways
- Hawaiian Airlines
- Singapore Airlines
- South African Airways
- New and fresh Business Class andLounge menusand the launch of the buy-onboard menu for Economyguests;
- The re-opening of a network of Virgin Australia domestic lounges including new-look lounges in Melbourne andAdelaide;
- A commitment to re-open premium lounges (formerly known as The Club) in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane by early2022;
- New Velocity Frequent Flyer everyday earn partnerships, making it easier for members to earn Points to get to their next dream reward faster; and
- A schedule of short-haul international services to Fiji, Bali and New Zealand.
^Roy Morgan. 2021. Nearly 2.5 million Australians usingTikTok. Roy Morgan Research. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2021].